


富山県射水市、新湊地区。 海に面したこの港町には、 千年以上の昔から「内川」が流れています。 川のゆるいカーブに沿って並ぶ漁船、 ランダムに壁を共有して連なる家々、 個性豊かな橋…。 いろんなものが 絶妙なバランスで存在している風景は、 初めてみたのにどこか 懐かしい気分にさせてくれます。 --- そんな内川沿いの風景を切り取ったマスキングテープ。 かなり幅広の24mmタイプです。 マステといえばのmtでおなじみ、カモ井加工紙(株)製ですので、 貼り心地も扱いやすさも抜群です! 東橋〜山王橋(右岸)の風景 【内容】 ・幅:24mm × 長さ:10m ********** Uchikawa Masking Tape River Uchikawa has been flowing through the port town Shinminato located in Imizu city, Toyama prefecture, since more than thousand years ago. Ships that are tied along the gently curved river, a row of houses that are randomly sharing walls and bridges that have strong individuality. The scenery that variety of things exist in good valance makes us feel nostalgic even though we see it for the first time. --- Scenery of the area along River Uchikawa was depicted on this Masking tape. They are 24mm wide which is a bit wider than ordinal masking tapes. They are very user-friendly since they are produced by Kamoi Kakoushi Inc., which is well-known for their “mt” brand. The scenery of Azuma Bridge through Sanno Bridge (the right side bank) 【Size】 10m long by 24mm wide


富山県射水市、新湊地区。 海に面したこの港町には、 千年以上の昔から「内川」が流れています。 川のゆるいカーブに沿って並ぶ漁船、 ランダムに壁を共有して連なる家々、 個性豊かな橋…。 いろんなものが 絶妙なバランスで存在している風景は、 初めてみたのにどこか 懐かしい気分にさせてくれます。 --- そんな内川沿いの風景を切り取ったクラフトテープ。 箱や袋、封筒などに使いやすい、白地に黒のデザインです。 貼りやすくはがれにくい、ニチバン(株)製のクラフトテープです。 手で切ることもできます。 中の橋〜新西橋(右岸)の風景 【内容】 ・1巻:幅50mm×長さ50m ********** Uchikawa Craft Tape River Uchikawa has been flowing through the port town Shinminato located in Imizu city, Toyama prefecture, since more than thousand years ago. Ships that are tied along the gently curved river, a row of houses that are randomly sharing walls and bridges that have strong individuality. The scenery that variety of things exist in good valance makes us feel nostalgic even though we see it for the first time. --- Scenery of the area along River Uchikawa was depicted on this craft tape. They are 50mm wide and 50m long. They are very user-friendly since they are produced by NICHIBAN Co., Ltd. The scenery of Nakano-hashi Bridge through Shinnishi Bridge (the right side bank) 【Size】 50m long by 50mm wide


富山県射水市、新湊地区。 海に面したこの港町には、 千年以上の昔から「内川」が流れています。 川のゆるいカーブに沿って並ぶ漁船、 ランダムに壁を共有して連なる家々、 個性豊かな橋…。 いろんなものが 絶妙なバランスで存在している風景は、 初めてみたのにどこか 懐かしい気分にさせてくれます。 --- そんな内川沿いでは、約370年前から曳山行事が行われています。 川の周辺13町の曳山の標識(だし)が並んだ、 曳山好きにはたまらないマステ。 普通よりちょい細の12mmタイプです。 マステといえばのmtでおなじみ、カモ井加工紙(株)製ですので、 貼り心地も扱いやすさも抜群です! 新湊の曳山 標識たち 【内容】 ・幅:12mm × 長さ:10m ********** Uchikawa Masking Tape River Uchikawa has been flowing through the port town Shinminato located in Imizu city, Toyama prefecture, since more than thousand years ago. Ships that are tied along the gently curved river, a row of houses that are randomly sharing walls and bridges that have strong individuality. The scenery that variety of things exist in good valance makes us feel nostalgic even though we see it for the first time. --- Festival with special festival floats has been held along River Uchikawa since more than 370 years. This masking tape is designed to show 13 float signs of 13 towns around River Uchikawa. Festival floats lover must be attracted to this masking tape. This is a little thinner than ordinary masking tape, which is 12mm in width. They are very user-friendly since they are produced by Kamoi Kakoushi Inc., which is well-known for their “mt” brand. Signs of the festival floats in Shinminato 【Size】 10m long by 12mm wide


富山県射水市、新湊地区。 海に面したこの港町には、 千年以上の昔から「内川」が流れています。 川のゆるいカーブに沿って並ぶ漁船、 ランダムに壁を共有して連なる家々、 個性豊かな橋…。 いろんなものが 絶妙なバランスで存在している風景は、 初めてみたのにどこか 懐かしい気分にさせてくれます。 --- そんな内川沿いで、よく見かける生き物たちをイラストにしました。 海鳥、猛禽類、カラス、ネコ…。ちょっと怖そうな生き物たちも、 ゆったりした流れの内川沿いでは、どこかのんびりしているように見えて、 思わず声をかけたくなってしまいますよ。 普通よりちょい細の12mmタイプです。 マステといえばのmtでおなじみ、カモ井加工紙(株)製ですので、 貼り心地も扱いやすさも抜群です! 内川の生き物たち その1 【内容】 ・幅:12mm × 長さ:10m ********** Uchikawa Masking Tape River Uchikawa has been flowing through the port town Shinminato located in Imizu city, Toyama prefecture, since more than thousand years ago. Ships that are tied along the gently curved river, a row of houses that are randomly sharing walls and bridges that have strong individuality. The scenery that variety of things exist in good valance makes us feel nostalgic even though we see it for the first time. --- Illustration of living things found along River Uchikawa was on this masking tape. Sea birds, Raptores, Crows, Cats... And also some scary looking creatures. Slowly flowing River Uchikawa must make you feel like greeting them with it’s leisurely atmosphere. This is a little thinner than ordinary masking tape, which is 12mm in width. They are very user-friendly since they are produced by Kamoi Kakoushi Inc., which is well-known for their “mt” brand. Living things around Uchikawa, Part 1 【Size】 10m long by 12mm wide


富山県射水市、新湊地区。 海に面したこの港町には、 千年以上の昔から「内川」が流れています。 川のゆるいカーブに沿って並ぶ漁船、 ランダムに壁を共有して連なる家々、 個性豊かな橋…。 いろんなものが 絶妙なバランスで存在している風景は、 初めてみたのにどこか 懐かしい気分にさせてくれます。 --- そんな内川沿いの風景を切り取ったマスキングテープ。 2色とカラーの2種類、普通よりちょっと幅広の18mmタイプです。 マステといえばのmtでおなじみ、カモ井加工紙(株)製ですので、 貼り心地も扱いやすさも抜群です! 東橋〜山王橋(左岸)の風景 【内容】 ・幅:18mm × 長さ:10m ********** Uchikawa Masking Tape River Uchikawa has been flowing through the port town Shinminato located in Imizu city, Toyama prefecture, since more than thousand years ago. Ships that are tied along the gently curved river, a row of houses that are randomly sharing walls and bridges that have strong individuality. The scenery that variety of things exist in good valance makes us feel nostalgic even though we see it for the first time. --- Scenery of the area along River Uchikawa was depicted on this Masking tape. There are two types available, one with yellow and light blue and the other one with more colors. They are 18mm wide which is a bit wider than ordinal masking tapes. They are very user-friendly since they are produced by Kamoi Kakoushi Inc., which is well-known for their “mt” brand. The scenery of Azuma Bridge through Sanno Bridge (the left side bank) 【Size】 10m long by 18mm wide