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itona 第1号(創刊号)2012 8/31 発行

016 受け継がれる窯炎 越中瀬戸焼[立山町]
030 カッコイイ、古いもの 伝統を継ぐ[南砺市]
040 家をつくる[上市町]
050 めぐみ木を育てる[富山市]
060 酒屋が私の制作場 書道ライフ[富山市]
068 藤にまつわるエトセトラ。[氷見市]
078 歴史×カフェ[朝日町]
088 富山駅周辺[富山市]
098 南砺の食[南砺市]
108 日本のベニス 内川[射水市]
116 おべんとライフはじめました。
126 庭のいきもの。
136 富山の自然に魅せられて



“itona” is a small informational magazine that is written by
ladies that are in their twenties to fifties,
who love the customs and lifestyles in Toyama.
This magazine is for them to share about their daily lives
by writing down their experiences themselves.
tona Vol.1 released in August 31st, 2012
Thirteen different views of Toyama Prefecture written by 13 ladies.

006 [Profile] Writers of itona. The 16 itona ladies.
016 Ecchu Seto-yaki [Tateyama machi]
030 Inherited Traditions [Nanto city]
040 Building Houses [Kamiichi machi]
050 Growing Megumi Tree [Toyama city]
060 Calligraphy Life [Toyama city]
068 Wristeria Around Me [Himi city]
078 History and Cafe [Asahi machi]
088 Around Toyama Station[Toyama city]
098 Food in Nanto [Nanto city]
108 The Venice of Japan [Imizu city]
116 My Lunch Box
126 Creatures in My Garden
136 Enchanted by the Nature in Toyama
144 [Special] Comparing Masuzushi

【Size】A5・160 full-color pages (no advertisement)

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itona 第1号(創刊号)2012 8/31 発行

016 受け継がれる窯炎 越中瀬戸焼[立山町]
030 カッコイイ、古いもの 伝統を継ぐ[南砺市]
040 家をつくる[上市町]
050 めぐみ木を育てる[富山市]
060 酒屋が私の制作場 書道ライフ[富山市]
068 藤にまつわるエトセトラ。[氷見市]
078 歴史×カフェ[朝日町]
088 富山駅周辺[富山市]
098 南砺の食[南砺市]
108 日本のベニス 内川[射水市]
116 おべんとライフはじめました。
126 庭のいきもの。
136 富山の自然に魅せられて



“itona” is a small informational magazine that is written by
ladies that are in their twenties to fifties,
who love the customs and lifestyles in Toyama.
This magazine is for them to share about their daily lives
by writing down their experiences themselves.
tona Vol.1 released in August 31st, 2012
Thirteen different views of Toyama Prefecture written by 13 ladies.

006 [Profile] Writers of itona. The 16 itona ladies.
016 Ecchu Seto-yaki [Tateyama machi]
030 Inherited Traditions [Nanto city]
040 Building Houses [Kamiichi machi]
050 Growing Megumi Tree [Toyama city]
060 Calligraphy Life [Toyama city]
068 Wristeria Around Me [Himi city]
078 History and Cafe [Asahi machi]
088 Around Toyama Station[Toyama city]
098 Food in Nanto [Nanto city]
108 The Venice of Japan [Imizu city]
116 My Lunch Box
126 Creatures in My Garden
136 Enchanted by the Nature in Toyama
144 [Special] Comparing Masuzushi

【Size】A5・160 full-color pages (no advertisement)