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itona 第2号(創刊号)2013 5/31 発行

016 昔の冬の暮らし 紙と土[朝日町]
036 城端別院の一大イベント 報恩講[南砺市]
046 小さくても大きく暮らす[上市町]
054 土が育つ=いのちが育つ[富山市]
062 全力パフォーマンス[富山市]
068 鰤にちなんだエトセトラ。[氷見市]
080 富山のお道具でお茶会[立山町]
088 とやま夜たび[富山市]
096 春乃色食堂のおでん[南砺市]
102 荒俣に住むin黒部[黒部市]
112 ベジフルジュース&スープ部!!
122 雪の上にも3年[富山市]
132 八尾で会えるステキな人たち[富山市]
140 「何もない」のなかにあるもの。



“itona” is a small informational magazine that is written by
ladies that are in their twenties to fifties,
who love the customs and lifestyles in Toyama.
This magazine is for them to share about their daily lives
by writing down their experiences themselves.
itona Vol.2 released in May 31st, 2013
Pleasure of Winter in Toyama Prefecture

006 [Profile] Writers of itona. The 16 itona ladies.
016 Paper and Soil [Asahi machi]
036 Houonko [Nanto city]
046 Living Calmly [Kamiichi machi]
054 Growing ground and life [Toyama city]
062 Vest Performance [Toyama city]
068 Yellowtail around Me [Himi city]
080 Tea Party [Tateyama machi]
088 Travel of Night [Toyama city]
096 Japanese Pot-au-feu [Nanto city]
102 Live in Aramata [Kurobe city]
112 Vege-fru Juice and soup
122 Three years on Snow [Toyama city]
132 Great People in Yatsuo [Toyama city]
140 What Exists there
146 [Special] Snowshoes

【Size】A5・160 full-color pages (no advertisement)

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*Earliest delivery date is 1/27(Mon) (may require more days depending on delivery address).

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itona 第2号(創刊号)2013 5/31 発行

016 昔の冬の暮らし 紙と土[朝日町]
036 城端別院の一大イベント 報恩講[南砺市]
046 小さくても大きく暮らす[上市町]
054 土が育つ=いのちが育つ[富山市]
062 全力パフォーマンス[富山市]
068 鰤にちなんだエトセトラ。[氷見市]
080 富山のお道具でお茶会[立山町]
088 とやま夜たび[富山市]
096 春乃色食堂のおでん[南砺市]
102 荒俣に住むin黒部[黒部市]
112 ベジフルジュース&スープ部!!
122 雪の上にも3年[富山市]
132 八尾で会えるステキな人たち[富山市]
140 「何もない」のなかにあるもの。



“itona” is a small informational magazine that is written by
ladies that are in their twenties to fifties,
who love the customs and lifestyles in Toyama.
This magazine is for them to share about their daily lives
by writing down their experiences themselves.
itona Vol.2 released in May 31st, 2013
Pleasure of Winter in Toyama Prefecture

006 [Profile] Writers of itona. The 16 itona ladies.
016 Paper and Soil [Asahi machi]
036 Houonko [Nanto city]
046 Living Calmly [Kamiichi machi]
054 Growing ground and life [Toyama city]
062 Vest Performance [Toyama city]
068 Yellowtail around Me [Himi city]
080 Tea Party [Tateyama machi]
088 Travel of Night [Toyama city]
096 Japanese Pot-au-feu [Nanto city]
102 Live in Aramata [Kurobe city]
112 Vege-fru Juice and soup
122 Three years on Snow [Toyama city]
132 Great People in Yatsuo [Toyama city]
140 What Exists there
146 [Special] Snowshoes

【Size】A5・160 full-color pages (no advertisement)